Monday, January 23, 2023

My Knight Before Christmas book review read December 2022

Title: My Knight Before Christmas
Author: Amanda P. Jones
Number of pages: 99
Genre: Holiday romance/romantic comedy/contemporary romance
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Single but ready to mingle Avery has been using dating apps to find Mr. Right for what seems like an eternity, but after being ghosted by someone she really thought was the one she was almost running out of hope, πŸ’” until one day her two roommates and best friends force her to go to a party which she really did not want to go to, celebrating one of their boyfriends' promotions. She never expected she would run into the very Liam who ghosted her three months ago. 😱 But instead of paying him any mind she ran out the party and went straight home. Trying hard to get her attention, explain his side of the situation and make it up to her, Liam gets her phone number from her roommates and tries to win his way to her heart again. Eventually when he comes to her rescue when she has to take care of the bakery on her own while the owner is on a business trip, she starts to realize that maybe giving him a second chance might not be such a bad idea. I normally don't mind a quick read, but I felt like this was way to quick. I felt like the main character was stubborn and indecisive, making her seem more like a teen then a young adult but, in a way, I understood her.  It's also not much of a holiday story which was pretty disappointing, the ending was the only hint of holiday we get at all and it's still very seldom, so it wasn't really what I expected. The romance was a bit boring and there's no spice. πŸ˜’

Pros: Mentions some good shows πŸ˜…
Cons: Not much of a holiday story, too rushed. 
Recommended to: Those who like a quick read. 


Never Never book review read in November 2022

Title: Never Never
Author: Serena Valentino
Number of pages: 256
Genre: Teen and young adult fantasy/folklore/fairytale
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

James has been trying to get back to neverland with Peter Pan, the Lost boys and Tinkerbell after falling out of his pram as a child. He made up his mind one day to leave his home in Londen to find any captain of any pirate crew who will take him in. Eventually finding the very well-known Blackbeard who took a liking to James and made him his right hand after saving them, and eventually becoming the captain of that very crew still heading to find neverland even after meeting Cerci and her telling him if he continues it won't be the life he expected. I can honestly say I felt so bad for hook, there's no way you can't feel bad for him even if you don't like the series, movie or even Disney. I wish he had listened to Cerci and gave up looking for never land, because this story also made me dislike Peter just a tiny bit not a lot, he seems like he is more the villain and kind of a kidnapperπŸ˜… but I understand the whole concept and why things happened the way they did, it makes for a very well written background story. I know I sound like a broken record, but I truly mean what I'm saying. I can't wait for the next book to come out! I hear it's about Hades, I really hope it's not the last one!

Pros: Works well with the movie, well written
Cons: I didn't find any cons 
Recommended to: Disney and fairy tale fans.


The Odd Sisters book review read in November 2022

Title: The Odd Sisters
Author: Serena Valentino
Number of pages: 288
Genre: Teen and young adult fantasy/folklore/fairytale
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This book dives into the odd sisters Lucinda, Ruby, and Martha and their doing in all the fairy tales we all know so well. They have messed with the lives of Ursula, Mother Gothel, the beast and even the wicked queen and their sister Cerci has had enough. She teams up with her cousin Snow White to try and better understand her sisters all while they are in the dreamscape trying to figure out how to escapes so they can continue to meddle in the lives of those who in their eyes they are helping. In Fairyland Nanny and Fairy God Mother heard of the odd sisters trying to bring back Maleficent while in the dreamscape hoping that in her dragon form, she can destroy Fairyland. I didn't really know what to expect when i started reading this book seeing as though its more about the Odd Sisters then any of the Disney villains but it's very well written and completely understandable. I think it's an interesting twist having there be witches behind all the villain's beginnings and how it fits so perfectly behind the original movies. I also really love the illustrations; this is the only book out of the series so far that has illustrations. This book does leave you in a bit of a cliffhanger, but it continues on in the next book, not right off the bat but you will be able to read more into it. Again, it was hard to find a flaw because I absolutely adore this series, others might disagree entirely. 

Pros: Well written 
Cons: Cliffhanger
Recommended to: Disney and fairy tale fans.


Sunday, January 22, 2023

I'm Dreaming on A Wyatt Christmas book review read in December 2022

Title: I'm dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas
Author: Tiffany Schmidt
Number Of Pages: 336
Genre: Young adult/ Romance/Holiday
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

If the parents of the kids you babysit for asked you to babysit during Christmas, BUT at a ski resort, AND offered to pay for whatever expense's, would you take up on their offer? I sure as heck would! Noelle didn't take the Kahals family's offer because she didn't want to be away from her dad and her best friends for the holidays, but it seems like her friends have other plans and her father is far too busy working on yet another most likely failed app. Despret to get her father's attention after she thought he was going to miss her Nutcracker play, and hoping he will say she can't go Noelle tells the Kahals she's changed her mind and will be more than happy to take the trip with them, realizing quickly her mistake, because surprisingly her father she could go, she disappointedly packed her bag for a trip she didn't expect much out of, maybe see a few amazing things but all the while she still had a job to do and as beautiful as everything was, the cabins, the mountains, the snow, and as kind as the Kahals are being, Noelle doesn't really feel like she belongs there, especially when there's a knock on the cabin door the next morning thinking it's the groceries being delivered Noelle opens the door to find Wyatt, the Kahals oldest son, who Noelle has only seen in pictures and videos but thinks he's very attractive and an amazing ballet dancer. If she didn't think she belonged there before she definitely felt like that after a gingerbread making competition between the family which is meant for Noelle so she wouldn't feel so left out or simply their babysitter but a part of the family, but after a while of getting to know each other, she starts to feel more at ease and starts to think into telling her dad how she felt about going to Beacon, also convincing Wyatt to explain to his father and step mother the actual reason for his visit. 
This was my absolute favorite one out of all the books I read in December, another Disney channel movie kind of book. It's not too cheesy not to sappy, has some good funny parts and has a decent ending. I'm really glad I gave this book a try!

Pros: not too sappy or too much like a Hallmark movie.
Cons: Couldn't really find one πŸ˜…
Recommended to: Those who like holiday books with Disney channel movie vibes.


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Mother Knows Best book review read November 2022

Title: Mother knows best
Author: Serena Valentino
Number of pages: 400
Genre: Teen and young adult myths/folklore/fairy tales
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

We read about Mother Gothel in this one, about her being raised with her two younger siblings Hazle and Primrose by their mother the Queen of the dead woods and keepers of the Rapunzel flowers and how her mother possess powers Gothel wishes she could teach her when she finally does her sisters don't agree, especially with how it's all done, it's not by being's by preforming a ritual that involves taking their mother's blood.  Not only that her sisters do not want Gothel to go through with the ritual, just to be away from the dead woods past the thickest, only the three of them being together and explore the world, but their mother keeps making it very clear she has very little to no love for Primrose and Hazle and doesn't want them to take her blood, only Gothel. They never expected how quickly things would change for the worse when their mother finally accepts Gothels plea, things take a devastating turn when the ritual turns deadly, and their mother perished leaving Gothel to fend for her sisters and the dead woods, trying very hard to please her sister so they don't leave on their own without her, even after they too lost their lives. although Gothel never gave up she loses still her kingdom because of a king who destroyed it to look for the Rapunzel flowers which was keeping her sisters bodies from decomposing, which drives Gothel to a small town in a village to care for a small child she did not have love for trying every so desperately day by day to revive her sisters. 😩This book is yet again another beautifully written book I think they all are, but as much as I felt bad for her, I felt like she could have done things much better then how she did them, especially with Repunzal but you do understand why she is so cruel to her. 

Pros: Well written, again it worked well with the movie
Cons: Sorry guys with this being my favorite series it's hard to find something off about it πŸ˜…
Recommended to: Disney and fairy tale fans


Friday, January 13, 2023

Cold Hearted book review read in November 2022

Title: Cold Hearted
Auther: Serena Valentino
Number of pages: 304
Genre: Teen and young adult fairy tales/folklore
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Cold hearted is the story about Cinderella's evil stepmother. It's been eight years since lady Tremaine had lost her husband and in those eight years, she hasn't bothered to look for a new husband thinking it was too soon still wearing black in morning. She was kind and loving to her staff and treated them almost like family her two daughters were particularly spoiled after the death of their father and one day lady Tremaine started to realize that both her daughter's behavior has gone too far, she thinks maybe it's time to take a trip alone for once, she decides to go to one of her closest friends balls who had good intentions on setting her up with Cinderellas father who wanted a wife suspiciously very quickly. Lady Tremaine thought about her two daughters and figured maybe a father aside from some discipline would get them in line, thinking this would be a wonderful opportunity even if he was oddly in a rush, she agreed to marry him and move in with him and his daughter. But the life she actually had with her daughters was cruel and lonely and put her in and even worse predicament then she ever had been before one she absolutely could not get out of. I liked Lady Tremaine's story, I felt bad for all of the villains Cruella being the most this one was right there next to it, Serena Valentino really knows how to write a Disney villains series! 

Pros: A background story that makes sense and isn't sloppy 
Cons: Maybe you will find your own con, πŸ˜… this series is too much of a fave for me!
Recommended to: Disney and fairy tale fans.


Evil Thing Book Review read in November 2022

Title: Evil Thing
Author: Serena Valentino
Number of pages: 352
Genre: Teen and young adult fairy tale/folklore
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This was my first absolute favorite out of the Villan series next to Mistress of all evil! I felt bad for Cruella from the very bottom of my heart! πŸ’”I always said people want to what they do that makes them evil, but people don't want to see what MADE them evil. Growing up Cruella had it all, beautiful dresses, toys a big lavish room, butlers and maids cooks and her own personal governess but what she really lacked was a loving mother, seeing as though her father was already very kind and always tried to make time for Cruella, her mother thought the best way to bond with her child was to buy gifts and send them to her while on holiday and only an hour a day together for brunch. While everyone around Cruella notices the neglect, she does not and will defend her mother until it's too late, even after the death of her father and everything she saw and heard about her mother, she defended her till the very end until the poor girl was left with absolutely nothing. I was never a huge fan of 101 dalmatians but I did like Cruella as a villain, so I really did enjoy this book and loved her whole background story, it makes sense it works very well with the movie and I felt so bad for her I really did, I cried so hard, it was just so well written, and I don't actually have much complaint over it just wish it was longer! 

Pros: Great back story that fits well with the movie.
Cons: Couldn't find anything I disliked about itπŸ˜…
Recommended to: Disney and fairy tale fans. 


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Mistress of all evil book review read November 2022

 Title: Mistress of all evil

Auther: Serena Valentino

Number of pages:  320


Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This Disney Villans series is one of my absolute favorites! You get a deep dive into each Villans past and get an understanding as to why they become so evil. You really start to feel bad for them. In Mistress of all evil, we learn about Maleficent's past, who as a small child was outcasted by all of the other Faires in the kingdom because of her horns and green skin, with no one to confide in but the crows and ravens that found her as a baby abandoned only to be found by a fairy named Nanny who took her under her wing as a daughter. Even under Nannys care Maleficent is still outcasted and treated like a monster and never the fairy she is. The treatment of the other fairies despite all the love she was giving from Nanny, causes her to become something she never meant to be. This is the fourth book in the series, and I'll be honest I didn't read them in order at first, πŸ˜… so this was the third book I read out of the series "The beast within" being the first and "Poor unfortunate souls" being the second book I read a few years ago. I didn't know, I thought it was like the twisted tale's series (I'll be reading those soon πŸ˜‰) where they are not serializing. 

Pros: Well written, goes well with the movie.

Cons: Felt like there could have been just a tad bit more details. 

Recommended to: Disney and fairy tale fans

Fairest of them all book review read in November 2022

 Title: Fairest of them all

Author: Serena Valentino

Number of pages:256

Genre: Teen and young adult fantasy/Fairy tale/Folklore

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

In Fairest of them all we get a glimpse of the evil queens past. We read about how wonderful the queen first was to everyone around her especially Snow White who is a child for most of the book. We learn how happy she was to have a family and in love she was when she first married the king, but we soon find out how tragic things truly become when the king goes over seas to battle with his men but does not return. 😒 While grieving she loses the bonds she had with Snow White and those around her in the castle by keeping to herself in her bedroom day after day, and after given a certain gift by the cousins of the king who she had banished for doing something horrible to Snow, things get out of terrible out of hand for the queen who was manipulated and couldn't control herself anymore feeling like she is losing not only her mind but herself. This is the first book of the villain's series, I love how wonderfully written it is, the era, the way the characters speak to each other, you really get an understanding of why the queen becomes so evil it's not some sloppy writing story that doesn't make sense or didn't work with the movies we know and love. I honestly hope Serena Valentino writes about all the Villans! 😊 

Pros: Beautifully written  

Cons: Too short! (More of an opinion then a con, I couldn't find anything I disliked about it)

Recommended to: Disney, fantasy and fairy tale's lovers. 

The wild book review read in October 2022

Title: The Wild
Author: Owen Laukkanen
Number of pages: 368
Genre: Teen and young adult suspense/mystery/thriller
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

 Out of the Wild is a wilderness boot camp that tries to help troubled teens learn how to better themselves. Dawn wasn't exactly a terrible person; she just made some dumb decisions and spent her time with all the wrong people and the wrong guy. When her mother and stepfather would come by to where she was staying at with a man twice her age, she expected the same old, them trying to convince her to come back home and go back to school and get a job and live a normal teenage life, she didn't expect for them to take her off to the airport off to boot camp. Once she got there, and joins her group in the bear cubs, she knew she wasn't going to like it, but what she didn't know was the danger that lies ahead. What was meant to be a regular hike like every other day turned to survive of the fittest really quick when one of her counselors gets badly hurt and they think she might be dead. 😨 Leaving behind their other counselor with intention on going back to the camp for help, one of them has other plans and Dawn has to survive everything that comes after in order to hopefully save their injured counselor, and themselves. I already knew right off the bat that this book wasn't what I was looking for when I started my October reading, but it actually wasn't a bad read whatsoever! I almost thought it would drag on, but it didn't take too long to get to the point. Just wish it had just a bit more action feel like there's more drama then action. I was on the edge of my seat and kept wondering what would happen next. I did figure out the mystery halfway through once again but to me it almost seemed obvious this time around. πŸ˜…

Pros: Well written 
Cons: Needs a tad bit more action less drama
Recommended to: Those who like plots revolving around life lessons



Sunday, January 8, 2023

Fright night book review read in October 2022

Title: Fright Night
Author: Maren Stoffels
Number Of Pages: 224
Genre: Teen and young adult thriller/suspense
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Everyone loves a good, haunted attraction, especially one that's in the forest. But Sofia wasn't too excited about going to the one her and her friends Dylan, and Quinn decided to go to. All she really wanted was to get closer to Dylan when she told her friends about going. But on her way, there she began to worry that maybe it wasn't sure a good idea spending a night in the forest. But once they read over the contract and signed their names, it was too late to turn back! But she reassured herself that there's a safe word if things get to be too much for them, so they should be good right? Seeing as though they only had three people but needed five in their group, they are grouped together with two other people they don't know but they soon find out they have a connection you might not see coming...and that's when things get crazy! I didn't see the twist coming this time and if you've read my other reviews, you'll know I tend to pick up on twist halfway I feel like I should have though πŸ˜… I loved the whole concept of this book, just wish it was a lot scarier. But if felt it was a good read, the plot was well enough, it wasn't too much of a drag, just lacked a bit of action and more suspense. The ending was a bit sad to me, I wish it had a happy ending in a way but still, and even though its a quick read, it really wasn't such a bad book at all.

Pros: Good plot and a great twist.
Cons: Lacks suspense and action
Recommended to: Those who like a quick read with a tragic ending.


Small Town Monsters book review read in November 2022

Title: Small Town Monsters
Author: Diana Rodriguez Wallach
Number of Pages: 336
Genre: Teen and young adult thriller/suspense/supernatural/mystery
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Now when I read the description of this book, I had a feeling I'd be kind of disappointed, but I was dead wrong. This book was exactly what I was looking for! This was my first favorite, Horror Hotel being the second. I just couldn't put this book down. I finished it in a day. 😁 When Maxwell's mother starts behaving a tad bit...sinister, he thought it was just her way of grieving over the loss of his father, but when her behavior begins to scare his little sister and she's almost hurt in the process, Maxwell looked to the only person he thought could help him, Vera Martinez. Vera is a bit of an outcast in her neighborhood, people tend to avoid her when she passes their way and the reason being is what her parents do for a living. Her parents are demonologists. Vera felt not only like the town's outcast, but the outcast of her family, because she doesn't possess the ability her parents have, and all she wants to do is leave her town behind and the room her parents had in the basement full of possessed objects. So, when Maxwell comes to Vera with hopes for help and answers at first, she shot him down saying to wait for her parents to come back from their work trip and they would be able to help, but when Vera starts seeing a certain statue around town that gives her horrible vibes and seems like death follows those who have the statue, she reaches out to Maxwell so they can find out the truth of what's going on with his mom...and their town. This book was just great! I loved it! when I was looking for books to read, I wanted supernatural, and this is exactly what I wanted, and it wasn't cheesy! I liked the progression of Veras and Maxs relationship, I found it to be so wholesome, the fact that they barely knew each other but quickly started to care about each other to me was heartwarming. I definitely recommend this one! 😁

Pros: Great read! Super sooky! Great characters and plot!
Cons: Personally, I wish it was more to the story. 
Recommended to: Anyone who really likes a good spooky supernatural read!


Friday, January 6, 2023

Frightmares book review read in October 2022

 Title: Frightmares
Author: Eva V. Gibson
Number Of Pages: 288
Genre: Teen and young adult thrillers/suspense/mystery
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Do you like haunted houses?  Would you work at a haunted house? What if you found something while working one of your shifts? Something that you think is a prop...a mannequin maybe? Dave works at a rundown haunted house called Frightmares House of horrors, and after yet again another employee walked out Dave takes the shift, but while working his friend's role, he finds something truly frightening hidden on set...A dead body! When Dave comes back with reinforcements, the body is nowhere to be found! 😱 I really liked this book and almost have no complaints. The plot was spooky enough to keep me reading, and I really like the mystery behind it. oh, though I did figure out who did it halfway through. πŸ˜… For this book I kind of did judge the cover a tad bit and thought it would be much scarier, but I was wrong, and I really should have known that giving the description. I can say it needed just a tad bit more action but that's my only complaint. I almost though it dragged at first, but it got to the point. It's a bit goofy, Dave has a bit of an interesting habit at first, I thought was kind of annoying but after a while, I found myself laughing at it. This book can be a bit cheesy, so if you're not into cheesy it's not for you. Other than that, I found it to be a good read. 😊

Pros: Good plot and mystery
Cons: Not enough action, a bit cheesy.
Recommended to: Those who like a goofy mystery.

Llewellyn's little book of Halloween book review read in October 2022

Title: Llewellyn's little book of Halloween
Number of pages: 240
Author: Mickie Mueller
Genre: Witchcraft religion/spirituality/seasonal crafts/Holidays
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This little pocket-sized book and I do mean pocket sized, I was able to put this book in my back jeans pocket, 😊 which I thought was just adorable, has such a huge amount of great information about Halloween and how it all started. Not only does it have information on this beloved holiday, but it is also full of great advice on some great Halloween party ideas, decors, crafts, recipes, spells, and even some tutorials! 😁It was hard to find something I disliked about this book. It's truly a fun read. It's educational, helpful, and I will most definitely try out some of the suggestions! 

Pros: Awesome information, very helpful and useful.
Cons: I personally wish it had more party ideas and spells! A bit witchy if you're not into that.
Recommended to: Anyone who absolutely love Halloween and is looking for some ideas to make it awesome or just to learn some facts about the holiday with a witchy twist.


Diary of A Haunting book review. Read October 2022

 Title: Diary of A Haunting

Author: M. Verano

Number of pages: 336

Genre: Teen and young adult supernatural/mystery/thriller

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I can honestly say I liked this book a lot...until the end. πŸ˜‘ Written in an online journal format, Paige talks about her day-by-day experiences in her new home, an old mansion in Idaho, which is a big change from LA. Paige starts to realize that things are going missing and when they return, they come duplicated, she also starts to witness her younger brother Logan behaving oddly, not to mention the spiders and flies, and  to top it all off, their neighbor who lives in the basement acts really weird like he is hiding something, as if he knows something about the house, but when Pages asks him questions he doesn't answer any of them, and when he did tell her things it left her with more questions than answers...Kinda like me. I found the ending super confusing, πŸ˜… I just had so many more questions. I understood what was happening, but I felt like I was missing something, I did like the plot a lot in this one, it has enough spooky parts, left me really guessing. If I'm not mistaken there are two other books, But I don't think they have anything to do with this book. I will be reading them when I get a chance, when I do, I'll make sure to review them. πŸ˜‰

Pros: Great story plot.

Cons: Leaves you with questions.

Recommended to: Those who like a typical haunting story.

Escape Room book review. Read October 2022

 Title: Escape Room

Author: Maren Stoffels

Number of pages: 224

Genre: Teen and Young adult mystery/thriller/suspense 

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

We all love a great escape room, especially when you pay for a real experience, but what if the experience IS real? When sky invites his friends Alissa, Mint and Miles to one, they didn't expect much. They figured they would simply be figuring out a few puzzles and find a few clues to unlock the room in 60 minutes and they would be out and done with it. Sounded simple enough. But when they start to really listen to recordings that were meant to be clues playing on the speakers, they realize the recordings tell a story of someone who wants revenge. When the game becomes too real after someone gets hurt, they begin fighting their way to the finish, fighting for their very life's. 😱 I've done an escape room once and I really enjoyed it, so I figured I would like this book, and I wasn't wrong. Oh, though I did think it could have used some more action, and it dragged a bit at first, πŸ˜’ I thought this book was also pretty well written, it did keep me reading. I liked the plot, I also like the characters and there were a few things I didn't expect to happen. I wouldn't say it was scary, but it was suspenseful.  Oh, though I predicted the twist halfway πŸ˜…

Pros: Good plot with good characters.

Cons: Drags at first a little, lack of action.

Recommended to: Anyone who likes escape rooms and a good suspenseful thriller.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Horror Hotel book review. Read October 2022.

 Title: Horror hotel

Author: Victoria Fulton & Faith McClaren

Number of pages: 256

Genre: Teen and young adult thriller/fantasy/suspense/supernatural mystery

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Do you believe in Spirts? Do you think they walk among us? What if you were the only one to see them? Well, all I got to say is I personally wouldn't want to see anything like what Chrissy saw! Chrissy is our main character who along with her friends Case, Kiki, and Emma have a YouTube famous Ghost hunting group called Ghost Gang. But while Case is the money, Emma is the tech, and Kiki is the smooth talker, Chrissy is the one who can see the dead, so when they decide to do a live stream of them investigating a hotel where a young girl who was traveling on her own was found in a water tank on the roof a few years back, Chrissy's anxiety skyrocketed. Will she be able to handle whatever awaits them? This book has a great mystery. it has its spooky parts and a bit of a twist, but if you're anything like me you can kind of figured it out right away πŸ˜… Out of the 9 books I read this October I must admit that I found this one to be one of my favorites. Despite the fact that it's literally about the Cecil hotel just with all the names changed and a more modern setting. I've always been fascinated by that darn hotel and its tragic past so when I went on a hunt for horror books, I had to include something Cecil. Being that there were very little books on the topic, when I found this one, I didn't hesitate to order it! But if you're not into the whole taking a story from real life and just changing up the names things then you may find this book cheesy, especially the ending, but that's really my only complaint hence the four stars instead of five. 

Pros: Great story plot, spooky

Cons: Based on the Cecil hotel so if you're not into that you won't like it.

Recommended to: Those who loves a good spooky, mystery.

A diary of a haunting. Book of shadows book review October 2023

Title: Diary of a haunting: Book of shadows Author: M. Verano  Number of pages: 288 Genre: Horror/young adult/fiction Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ To work ...