Sunday, January 22, 2023

I'm Dreaming on A Wyatt Christmas book review read in December 2022

Title: I'm dreaming of a Wyatt Christmas
Author: Tiffany Schmidt
Number Of Pages: 336
Genre: Young adult/ Romance/Holiday
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

If the parents of the kids you babysit for asked you to babysit during Christmas, BUT at a ski resort, AND offered to pay for whatever expense's, would you take up on their offer? I sure as heck would! Noelle didn't take the Kahals family's offer because she didn't want to be away from her dad and her best friends for the holidays, but it seems like her friends have other plans and her father is far too busy working on yet another most likely failed app. Despret to get her father's attention after she thought he was going to miss her Nutcracker play, and hoping he will say she can't go Noelle tells the Kahals she's changed her mind and will be more than happy to take the trip with them, realizing quickly her mistake, because surprisingly her father she could go, she disappointedly packed her bag for a trip she didn't expect much out of, maybe see a few amazing things but all the while she still had a job to do and as beautiful as everything was, the cabins, the mountains, the snow, and as kind as the Kahals are being, Noelle doesn't really feel like she belongs there, especially when there's a knock on the cabin door the next morning thinking it's the groceries being delivered Noelle opens the door to find Wyatt, the Kahals oldest son, who Noelle has only seen in pictures and videos but thinks he's very attractive and an amazing ballet dancer. If she didn't think she belonged there before she definitely felt like that after a gingerbread making competition between the family which is meant for Noelle so she wouldn't feel so left out or simply their babysitter but a part of the family, but after a while of getting to know each other, she starts to feel more at ease and starts to think into telling her dad how she felt about going to Beacon, also convincing Wyatt to explain to his father and step mother the actual reason for his visit. 
This was my absolute favorite one out of all the books I read in December, another Disney channel movie kind of book. It's not too cheesy not to sappy, has some good funny parts and has a decent ending. I'm really glad I gave this book a try!

Pros: not too sappy or too much like a Hallmark movie.
Cons: Couldn't really find one 😅
Recommended to: Those who like holiday books with Disney channel movie vibes.


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