Sunday, January 8, 2023

Small Town Monsters book review read in November 2022

Title: Small Town Monsters
Author: Diana Rodriguez Wallach
Number of Pages: 336
Genre: Teen and young adult thriller/suspense/supernatural/mystery
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Now when I read the description of this book, I had a feeling I'd be kind of disappointed, but I was dead wrong. This book was exactly what I was looking for! This was my first favorite, Horror Hotel being the second. I just couldn't put this book down. I finished it in a day. 😁 When Maxwell's mother starts behaving a tad bit...sinister, he thought it was just her way of grieving over the loss of his father, but when her behavior begins to scare his little sister and she's almost hurt in the process, Maxwell looked to the only person he thought could help him, Vera Martinez. Vera is a bit of an outcast in her neighborhood, people tend to avoid her when she passes their way and the reason being is what her parents do for a living. Her parents are demonologists. Vera felt not only like the town's outcast, but the outcast of her family, because she doesn't possess the ability her parents have, and all she wants to do is leave her town behind and the room her parents had in the basement full of possessed objects. So, when Maxwell comes to Vera with hopes for help and answers at first, she shot him down saying to wait for her parents to come back from their work trip and they would be able to help, but when Vera starts seeing a certain statue around town that gives her horrible vibes and seems like death follows those who have the statue, she reaches out to Maxwell so they can find out the truth of what's going on with his mom...and their town. This book was just great! I loved it! when I was looking for books to read, I wanted supernatural, and this is exactly what I wanted, and it wasn't cheesy! I liked the progression of Veras and Maxs relationship, I found it to be so wholesome, the fact that they barely knew each other but quickly started to care about each other to me was heartwarming. I definitely recommend this one! 😁

Pros: Great read! Super sooky! Great characters and plot!
Cons: Personally, I wish it was more to the story. 
Recommended to: Anyone who really likes a good spooky supernatural read!


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