Friday, March 10, 2023

The Holiday Switch book review read in December 2022

Title: The Holiday Switch
Author: Tif Marcelo
Number Of Pages: 272
Genre: Young adult/romance/holiday/contemporary/fiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Lila loves her job at the bookstore in the Local Inn, which is a hot spot around the holidays because the movie Holiday by the lake was filmed there, it's also one of her favorite movies, but all Lila's ready for is her last winter break of high school. with intentions of saving up enough money for college, she was going to ask her boss if she can have extended hours gets but her plan gets foiled by her boss's nephew Teddy who came to stay for a while and also work at the bookstore while there. Upset but putting up with it, Lila has to train him the first few days which isn't an easy task for her because Teddy refuses to do things the way their meant to be, even if he always meant well. After accidentally switching their phones, they end up getting to know each other...and their secrets, which they promise each other they won't tell anyone. But when an unexpected storm hits, they start to share a bit more than just secrets. 💓This one was actually my second favorite, it's not as cheesy as the others, its more realistic, more relatable, has some great family values, not too dramatic. It's not too Hallmark if anything it's got more of a Disney channel movie vibe, and I used to love those, 😁 this is the book that actually inspired me to make my own book blog. The only thing I had a bit of a problem with was their secrets, I found them to be unrelatable, and just makes no sense and a bit to dramatized. All in all, I highly recommend!

Pros: Good read not too dramatic.
Cons: Their secrets don't seem realistic. 
Recommended to: Holiday and romance lovers.


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