Monday, March 27, 2023

As Old as Time book review read January 2023

Title: As old as time

Author: Liz Braswell

Number of pages: 484

Genre: Young adult/fiction/fantasy/fairy tale

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

What if Belles mother was the one who cursed the beast? In this twisted tale where we read between Belle's present and her parents past, we learn that long ago there was a kingdom that homed both humans and mythical creatures of all kinds, but the humans were scared of the creatures seeing the things they can easily do with a wave of a wand or hand, scared of what these creatures could do to them. All except for Marice wasn't afraid of them, he understood them, and felt bad for them being treated so poorly. And one enchantress named Roselind caught his eyes when she used her magic to defend herself. Soon they are married and are expecting their first child, but it's not happily ever after for them when slowly the creatures began to disappear. Things take a turn for the worse when Roselind's friend who was to help with the birth of their daughter has gone missing without a sign, as more and more creatures go missing Roselind and Maurice are left with no choice but to leave their home for the safety of their little family. So you get the whole small village thing with the same people Belle trading herself for her father bit which remained the same, the whole curse thing, but as it gets to the part where she's in her room, that's where things start to take twists and turns for the story we know. I really wanted to love this book, but it wasn't what I expected, I wouldn't say the story is bad, I did enjoy it, I just think it's more along the lines of what I kept thinking would happen just kind of didn't so it may just be me, πŸ˜… I get that this is a twisted tale and it's supposed to be different but it's TOO different, it just didn't give me Beauty and The beast vibes. I also hated the ending, I expected it to have the same outcome as the end of them movie, it was well thought out, but just wasn't it for me.

Pros: Well thought out.

Cons: Didn't have Beauty and The Beast vibes.

Recommended to: Disney fans and those who like twisted tales.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Conceal don't feel book review read January 2023

Title: Conceal don't feel

Author: Jen Calonita

Number of pages: 312

Genre: Young adult/retelling/fantasy/fairy tales/fiction

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What if Anna and Elsa never knew each other?  Elsa grew up learning how to be queen in her castle in Arendel, with her parents by her side all the way everything seems perfect, but Elsa feels like something is missing, or maybe someone. She always felt lonely and longed for sibling, maybe even a sister, even though she knows her mother couldn't have any more children after Elsa making her the only child. But after her parents had passed away on a trip overseas her pain forced a power out of her body, she didn't know she had, the power of ice. While preparing for her coronation and trying to keep her powers hidden from those around her, she begins to have flash backs of memories that couldn't have happened, baking cookies and building snowmen with a girl just a few years younger than her. After finding a painting in a box given to her by her father, all the answers Elsa needed come to light and she sets out to find someone she was made to forget a long time ago. Anna grew up in a small village by a couple who own a small bakery that's popular for their snowman cookies. As much as she loved her parents and the bakery, she felt like she was meant to do more, she wanted to travel down to Arendel and stay with her mother's friend and meet her daughter maybe even become friends with her, sadly her parents tell her to wait until she is eighteen to do so, saying she's just not ready, but when a strange and powerful snow storm hits the town in the middle of spring Ana decides she's the only one who can figure out what is going on and maybe how to stop it. With the help of a boy names Kristof and his reindeer Sven, they venture to find the princess of Arendel for help not knowing just what else they will find. I am a huge Disney fan so of course I really enjoyed this book, it's a fun twist on Frozen. I felt it was well written, makes sense, the ending is practically the same and I loved that. It did seem to drag just a bit at first, but not for very long. I found it to be a wonderful read and I highly recommend. 

Pros: Well written, makes sense.

Cons: Drags a bit at first

Recommended to: Disney fans, Frozen fans, and those who like twisted tales and fairy tales.

The Holiday Switch book review read in December 2022

Title: The Holiday Switch
Author: Tif Marcelo
Number Of Pages: 272
Genre: Young adult/romance/holiday/contemporary/fiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Lila loves her job at the bookstore in the Local Inn, which is a hot spot around the holidays because the movie Holiday by the lake was filmed there, it's also one of her favorite movies, but all Lila's ready for is her last winter break of high school. with intentions of saving up enough money for college, she was going to ask her boss if she can have extended hours gets but her plan gets foiled by her boss's nephew Teddy who came to stay for a while and also work at the bookstore while there. Upset but putting up with it, Lila has to train him the first few days which isn't an easy task for her because Teddy refuses to do things the way their meant to be, even if he always meant well. After accidentally switching their phones, they end up getting to know each other...and their secrets, which they promise each other they won't tell anyone. But when an unexpected storm hits, they start to share a bit more than just secrets. πŸ’“This one was actually my second favorite, it's not as cheesy as the others, its more realistic, more relatable, has some great family values, not too dramatic. It's not too Hallmark if anything it's got more of a Disney channel movie vibe, and I used to love those, 😁 this is the book that actually inspired me to make my own book blog. The only thing I had a bit of a problem with was their secrets, I found them to be unrelatable, and just makes no sense and a bit to dramatized. All in all, I highly recommend!

Pros: Good read not too dramatic.
Cons: Their secrets don't seem realistic. 
Recommended to: Holiday and romance lovers.


A diary of a haunting. Book of shadows book review October 2023

Title: Diary of a haunting: Book of shadows Author: M. Verano  Number of pages: 288 Genre: Horror/young adult/fiction Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ To work ...