Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A diary of a haunting. Book of shadows book review October 2023

Title: Diary of a haunting: Book of shadows
Author: M. Verano
 Number of pages: 288
Genre: Horror/young adult/fiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

To work on her attitude, Melanie decides to start writing in a journal. She doesn't want just any journal though; she wants something special that calls out to her. So, she saves her money and goes on the hunt for the right one. When she comes across a small bookstore in her neighborhood, she decides to go in and take a look. Finding an old odd-looking journal she absolutely fell in love with, she goes home to realize she doesn't want to write just anything in this book and finds herself not being able to write in it. Until she shows her best friend who tells her to use it as a book of shadows. Soon Melanie and her friends come to find that the journal is far more than meets the eye and is too powerful to keep around. When the book falls into the wrong hands, things begin to take a toll for the worst as things around town start getting a bit too out of hand. Is there any way to put an end to the books power? Will Melanie and her friends be able to help the town from being brain washed? Or will they all be doomed to be forced to follow something they don't believe in? I love this book series! After reading the first book I had to get my hands on the other two! I really hope more books come out, but I kind of doubt it. It's been a few years since this book came out, so I don't see it happening. 😩 

Pros: Great story plot!
Cons: Strong religious beliefs.   
Recommended to: Those who love a good horror written in a journal/blog form.


A diary of a haunting A possession book review read in October 2023

Title: Diary of a haunting
Author: M. Verano
Number of pages: 340
Genre: Horror/young adult/fiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Laetitia's dream is to become a singer, starting off with posting on her blog about her different hair styles with colorful wigs or singing tips in hopes of achieving that. But when weird pictures staring appearing on her blog page that she did not upload, things start to get weird. She starts having starling dreams that feel real, and an image that related to the dream would be posted up on her blog when she woke. As things keep getting weirder and out of hand, Laetitia's family tries hard not to lose her to child services due to them think her family incapable of taking care of her. What could be the reason to all the weird things happening to Laetitia? Are her dreams trying to tell her something? And is it good or bad This book series is my absolute favorite! Can't pick one out of the three books I like the most. It doesn't drag, gets straight to the point. I didn't expect the ending though! I can say that some of the adults in this book were frustrating. I personally find it a bit hard to read about adults who don't really listen to kids who are telling the truth. I felt the mom was the only one who tried her hardest. But I think it fits the story, and I think it's a great read. 

Pros: Great horror read!
Cons: Frustrating adult characters 
Recommended to: Those who like horror in a diary/journal/blog form.


Book review for We Are okay read in April 2023

Title: We are okay
Author: Nina LaCour
Number of pages: 236
Genre: young adult/fiction/realistic fiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

After her grandfather passed a year ago Marin ran off millions of miles away from all she knew and loved to New York for collage without a word to her friends. Her grandfather being the only family member she had she didn't know what else to do. Living off ramen noodles and cereal in her dorm room she feels like she's doing fine, until winter break came around and she was the only one in the whole school building, and her best friend Mable decided to come by for three days after not really speaking to one another since Marin left. Not knowing how to act or even say anymore around her best friend, Marin prepares for Mables's arrival the best she can all while thinking will she be able to explain herself as to why she just up and left, why she hasn't answered her texts? Will their relationship remain the same or has the year separated them too long? This book was very simple, I felt it was not only well written but very relatable. It may be a bit draggy for some, maybe a bit boring. But I did actually liked it.

Pros: Relatable 
Cons: Can be a bit boring to some.
Recommended to: Anyone who likes a calm read.  


A diary of a haunting. Book of shadows book review October 2023

Title: Diary of a haunting: Book of shadows Author: M. Verano  Number of pages: 288 Genre: Horror/young adult/fiction Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ To work ...