Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Mansion book review. Read in October 2022.

Title: The Mansion

Author: Tom Connelly
Number of pages: 162
Genre: Teen and young adult mystery/thriller action/adventure/coming of age/fiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

So, guys first off, I didn't know this was a thriller, 😅 So I was already disappointed because I was expecting a horror. 😢 Now my question to you is, if your best friend asked you to sneak into an old, abandoned Mansion on Halloween where a doctor that lived there went missing 30 years ago without a trace, and had a secret laboratory hidden somewhere in that mansion...would you go? My answer would be yes! I've always been into abandoned places so why not. So, when I read the description about a 15-year-old girl named Marcy asked her friends Skye and Amanda to do just that, it sounded really interesting to me, taken place in 1987, I thought it would give a hint of spooky nostalgia mystery, but to my surprise it didn't feel like I was reading about a story taking place in the 80's aside from the no use of cell phones. I mean while it sounds like a typical horror story I actually kind of thought it dragged and it took too long get to the point. When it does get to the point, I realized my expectations about the Mansion were way off and had absolutely nothing scary, not even jump scares! 😒 While I can admit the ending was interesting, I wished there was more to it because I was still left with more questions than answers. 😩 It's honestly more about the lives of the three girls then anything. 🤷 They find out more about themself and each other than they do about the mystery they went searching for. Maybe not all mysteries are meant to be solved? I did however find their friendship to be wholesome, real, relatable and shows how even though they are best friends, they still have their disagreements but can overcome them.

Pros: Relatable characters
Cons: Drags, not spooky, leaves you with unanswered questions.
Recommended to: Anyone who likes a quick read, with an unsolved mystery that will leave you with more questions.

A diary of a haunting. Book of shadows book review October 2023

Title: Diary of a haunting: Book of shadows Author: M. Verano  Number of pages: 288 Genre: Horror/young adult/fiction Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ To work ...